MVG Strike Announced for Tuesday: No U-Bahn Service and Limited Bus/Trams Until 2:30pm

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So, you know how your standard morning commute is always very thrilling and exciting?

Well great news – the MVG has decided to spice things up a little extra tomorrow (Tuesday, July 9), with a strike that will affect services on all U-Bahns, buses and trams around Munich.

… yay.

According to statement released by MVG, the strike will take place on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 from 3:30am to 2:30pm.

During the strike, all U-Bahn service will be suspended, along with most trams/bus lines. Trams 19/20 are said to be running as normal, and certain buses (those operated by private companies and not MVG) should also run as normal. Frustratingly, the official statement says that specific information about which buses are running will only be released on Tuesday.

The silver lining? S-Bahns (which are operated by DB) will still be running! But, we’d expect a lot of congestion on there for obvious reasons.

Last but not least, we should note that while the strike will officially end at 2:30pm, official operations might re-start earlier depending on how negotiations go. That said, this morning strike will likely cause delays and congestion even after the striking period is over, so we’d recommend avoiding MVG all day if possible.

Might we recommend giving those new e-scooters a try?

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