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As a result of Munich’s 7 Day Incidence exceeding 100 for the third day in a row, local authorities have announced an “Emergency Brake” that will come into effect on Easter Sunday.
In this post, we’ll clarify what that means and what changes you can expect.

What is an “Emergency Brake”?
As stated in the Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance (available here in English), there are certain measures that come into force as soon as the 7 Day Incidence of a region exceeds “100” three days in a row.
As soon as a region’s 7 Day incidence exceeds “100” three days in a row, an “Emergency Brake” must be announced and implemented from the second day after it’s announced.
For Munich, because this Emergency Brake was announced on Good Friday, the changes will officially come into force on Easter Sunday (at midnight).
Practically speaking, the “Emergency Brake” in Munich means that certain lockdown easing measures in place since March 8th will be reversed.
What Will Change Due to the “Emergency Brake” in Munich?
As a result of the emergency brake in Munich, the following changes will apply starting Sunday:
- Private get-togethers in Munich will only be possible for members of your own household and one additional person (not including children under 14 years of age).
- A curfew between 10 pm and 5am will apply
- Non-essential retail shops will be available only for Click and Collect
- Cultural and leisure facilities will close
- Only non-contact sports will be allowed
- Team sports will be prohibited
- Day-care centers and organized play groups for children will generally be closed
- *As schools are already closed from April 5th to 11th for Easter Break, students are not impacted by the Emergency Brake at this time
The cultural and leisure facilities that must close include:
- Museums
- Galleries
- Zoological and botanical gardens
- Memorials
- ****Libraries and archives may remain open with a hygiene concept in place and customer number limits
The following shops may still open despite the emergency brake:
- Supermarkets and grocery stores
- Delivery services
- Beverage stores
- Health food stores
- Baby good stores
- Pharmacies
- Medical supply stores
- Drug stores
- Opticians
- Hearing aid acousticians
- Petrol stations
- Car workshops
- Bicycle workshops
- Banks and savings banks
- Pawn shops
- Post offices/mail branches
- Dry cleaners and laundrettes
- Flower shops
- Garden centers
- Hardware stores
- Shoe shops
- Insurance offices
- Bookstores
- Animal/pet supply shops
- Wholesalers
As lifting the Emergency Brake is dependent on the 7 Day Incidence lowering below 100 in Munich, an end date is not yet known.
Where to Get More Information
For the latest updates on restrictions in Munich, be sure to visit the official Muenchen.de page here.