A New U-Bahn Line for Munich! Is the U9 On Its Way?

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Getting sick of stuffy and crowded commutes on the U-Bahn? We’ve got some good news – after years of planning and speculation, it looks like a new U9 line could soon be on its way!

That’s right folks –Β Mayor Dieter Reiter announced at a press conference on Tuesday that the federal government has greenlit funding for a new Munich U-Bahn line, the U9, which would be a 10.5km line running North-South in the city, sharing many stops with the current U6, along with new planned stops at Esperantoplatz (Theresienwiese), Pinakotheken and Elisabethplatz.

Why a new line? Well, this plan has been in the works for years, with early plans going as far back as 2010. For several years now, increased demand on the Munich public transport system has resulted in a need for solutions to reduce congestion and overall strain, and officials are hoping the U9 could help alleviate a lot of the current problems experienced across the entire U-Bahn system.

Before you get too excited though, it could be years before you get to ride this line. For one, it needs to receive official approval, and even after that, construction is estimated to take over ten years!

… Still, a pretty exciting development. Purple line – we’re ready for you!

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